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Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 10:19 AM

Me standing in front of the Hotel!
My family standing now!

Me with root beer float

A house with lots of latterns hanging out!
Me eating grilled chicken at THE SHIP

this thingy is so cool, you can just press the button water for water, anw it is WIRELESS!LCD TV AT THE HOTEL

My breakfast


My dinner

a BAND practising below my HOTEL!
Me and my family left house on the 18th of december for KUALA lumpur In malaysia! took bus from KOVAN interchange, reached at around 2+, checked into the hotel. Spent half and hour admiring the furnitures of the hotel room, the bed was nice, the toilet was nice, everything was nice. Then, we went to the foodcourt to have wanton mee which has became a habit of eating it whenever we came to KL. We proceeded on with SHOPPING!!!!! bought clothes for new year!!!Ate at a zhuchao store, the food was delicious. In the night, i recorded the things that we bought including their prices and thinking that it was fun, i did it for the other 4 days and the list was very long........slept very late cox i was watching the TV which was showing Charlie and the chocolate factory and their advertisements were very very long.....
Second day, went to mid-valley shopping mall, which was the biggest shopping mall in southeast asia. It was quite true cox after shopping in it for one day, we only managed to visit some of them only. But i bought 2 bags, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 pants, 3 t-shirts and others. When we were proceeding to the foodcourt to eat, it was like so PACKED!!!! finally, we found seats and me and my sister bought JAP food. after that, we continued shopping. until around 6pm, we met with my auntie's family and went back to the hotel before going out to eat the famous hokkien noodles. At night, i did the same thing again, slept late again because i was thinking about councillors' stuff.
Third day, went to bukit bintang to shop, as you can see, we went there only to SHOP!!! bought 2 vests,2 t-shirts and 2 pants and......again. went to eat at THE SHIP RESTAURANT. service very good worh.... besides the very cool machine, the waiter also helped me wear my napkin. HAHA, i feel so kiddy when he is doing that lah. ate grilled chicken, delicious! then after continuing with our shopping, we ate at the famous street for food, Jalan Alor before proceeding back to the hotel ONCE AGAIN, i did the same thing but i didn't sleep very late then.
LAST DAY. Ate at A&W which has closed down in Singapore, miss the food man!!! waffle with ice cream, twister fries, chicken and of course not forgetting the ROOT BEER FLOAT. enjoyed myself man, took some photos to make our friends jealous. then, went to the supermarket to buy sweets and chocolates for my friends, also bought some souveneirs at a souveneirs shop. then went to the biscults shops to buy some before packing up and checking out. Then, we proceeded to the bus interchange, waited for our bus back to Singapore.......the bus was delayed. then it came, we board and were on our way back to Singapore.

I'll play for you.

at 9:20 AM

percussion BBQ at pasir ris Park, alumnis from many batches and batches and batches ago came back!
Sindy, the perkies's treasurer

Mr Wong

Chong Jin
Perkies game session
Grace and Sing Yan
one taller, one less taller

Had perkies BBQ after my keyboard lesson, took a long time to reach there. In the end, it was FUN! after BBQ, we had games, played dog and bone and it was VERY EXXCITING and we also saw a funny incident, a man shouting to two girls, "stop taking my photo! i am a celebrity (which i don't think he looks like) then, you are holding a dangerous weapon, get away from me!" and they quarelled until the police came........ LOL! At around 10.30am, we left for home! Tiong Ann wanted me to pay equal amount of money for taxi fare, when i took from Ehub to White sands while chongjin, him , ze hao took it until their houses.......STUPID TIONG ANN!!! just kidding

I'll play for you.

Monday, December 7, 2009 at 8:18 AM

went to NIHON MURA last friday and didn't went for music lesson.
the things there quite okay lah, i ate teriyaki don, ice cream and one plate of sushi (crabmeat de). They say i go there is a waste cox the things that i ate can be found in school.
LOL. then chee liang very funny, he was "ouching" all the way through his dinner cox the oil kept splashing at him. then when we were going to the MRT, wingyin said she want to go to the toilet then she went down the MRT and saw the sign "TOILET IS UPSTAIRS" so we all started laughing......
it was fun overall!!!! but sad thing is that only 7 ppl came!

I'll play for you.

Monday, November 23, 2009 at 4:42 AM

First day, we had our chinese OLEVEL then met at SC room before taking Mr Chua's car to singpost to buy the stuff needed and our lunch.
spent about $189 just within our budget, then called for Mr chua which then came to pick us while some of the others took cab back to school cox the food is too much already.
with one 5kg of rice, 10 loafs of bread, 6 bottles of drinks, 4 wire gauze, 1 pack of charcoal, 3 bottles of syrup and many more.....
the bus was already here when we reach school, Mr Zaid was also waiting for us at the concourse. then we rushed back to SC room to get our stuff before boarding the bus and was on our way there.
we ate and chat on the bus and after less than 30 mins, we reached!!!!
as it is not 3pm yet, mr chua haven check in yet, so we waited at the entrance of the chalet.
Mr Zaid told us ghost stories and around 3.30pm, mr chua came and we entered the chalet. it was so so so so so nice!!!!!!
big with two stairs, one leading up from the living room while the other leading up from the kitchen.
but unfortunately, no TV AND AIRCON but nvm, the weather is cooling enough without air con.
we unpacked our stuff, went around to check the place.
around 4.30pm, we started our bonding time with the eagle catch the chicks game, followed by ice and water and aeiou and hide and seek with MR CHUA. it was like so fun, he was like so cute...lol scaring us when he found us with his sinister laughter.. lol
then after that we started walking to changi village via the boardwalk, it was quite long but as we talk, it did not matter to us anymore.
when we reached, we settle down at a coffee shop.
Mr Chua treated us drinks while we paid for our own chicken rice
then i dispatched them to gather the price of a few items that we need
one to 7 eleven, one to the other side and on to the opposite side
and then we bought the items and went back to the chalet.
we started with the discussion for orientation, change a few things, quite boring lah
after that had our bathing time until 10pm then started with our night walk meeting, also quite boring then around 1am, the girls went up while the guys stayed up to do the materials needed, did until 3.30am then we slept. and we slept in the living room.
5am, i woke up to see sunrise but there isn's any, then 5.30am woke up again but still, there isn's any, 6am woke up, there still isn't any
cooked breakfast but failed and had an argument with wingyin then went to sit in the field to watch sunrise.
after eating breakfast, we sent off wingyin and shirlyn and huixian for their work attachment.
then we went back to attend Mrs Lim's school improvement groups and potential sec 2s
played some games and had some discussion until 12.45pm then we had lunch and waited for the arrival of the sec 1s and 2s!!!!
at around 1.30pm, they arrived and we welcomed them at the balcony.
then was the external facilitation by of course, external facilitators.
we started off with the greetings game, the grouping game, the evolution (egg,chicken, eagle, superman, immortal game), the bonnie lies over the ocean, dumb dilee doo game.
very fun!!!, then broke into groups to play other games.
at around 5pm, one group of us started the BBQ fire while the other went to the other chalet to check the place out.
i cooked rice you see the picture below!!!
after that, the juniors had their bonding time while we do our stuffs.
then we distributed them into bathing groups and eating groups
the toilets were too little le lah!!!!
the queue is like 1 toilet 9 ppl queueing
sorry ppl, Exco got something on thats why they cut your bathing queue.
then gathered them at 9.30pm,
talk to them, joked with them then send them to shuling's ghost story session
i started patrolling myself!!!
i not scared hor!!!
this time i very brave!!!!
i also got scare ppl hor!!!
but almost went to room 3, the room that shuling says is haunted cox i got nowhere to hide, heng i didn went in worhx, if not, i dunno what will happen lehx
actually i also got stand upstairs myself but also got no feeling leh....
after a few groups, quite sian already lah....but still scaring them
after the whole thing, we went back and ShuLing say all of us should stay in Fpc7 and at first i don't want but after hearing the stories, i think it is okay.
so the guys took downstairs and the girls took upstairs
mr chua slept in the field with a sleeping bag
the exco guys, mr yee, mr chia slept in the living room
morning, exco woke up, the juniors dun seem like they slept at all.
shuling fried egg, me cheeliang yang jun mr yee made milo, ms anisa and mr chua and mr chia fried chicken wing and it was a wonderful breakfast!!!!!!
after that we played games like amoeba, eagle game again
and had debrief and
home sweet home
but not really the end yet
about 15 of us went to MACS to have a talk and lunch
talk about ghost stories during the chalet before going home.

me cooking rice
my bonnie game
rice cooked
external facilitation
dumb dilee doo game

yangjun duh
evolution game
the immortals!!!!

exco guys
mr chua playing scissors paper stone with xin hui
the new zealand shake hand style
the christmas island shake hand style
finland style

the american style
the arrival of the juniors
jia wei saying hi!!!

exco welcome

look at jia wei's expression

our wonderful breakfast
more photos will be posted when the teachers send me theirs!!!

I'll play for you.